It can be hard to find glimmers of light when your whole world feels dark. The grief may feel unbearable and debilitating, meanwhile the world around you moves on like normal.
pregnancy loss support
Losing a child, whether in utero or earthside, is undoubtedly one of the most painful and devastating experiences one can go through. It’s not uncommon to feel like you can’t imagine how to move forward. You may feel like your loss is invisible or like those around you are unsure of what to say or how to support you during such a difficult time.
find your pregnancy loss support with Dr. Lauren Jensen
Mourning your baby isn’t meant to be done alone or in isolation but it can feel like one of the darkest and loneliest times. Having someone to walk this journey with you is crucial.
Grieving the loss of a pregnancy or baby is a unique experience, yet unfortunately something that occurs all too often, typically in silence or isolation. It may be overwhelming to consider how to share the news with others, especially when well-intended responses and advice make the entire process even harder. Having a supportive space to share about your loss, the emotions you encounter as you grieve, and ways to honor and remember your baby can provide a path towards healing. Therapy may also involve making decisions about trying to conceive again and how to manage anxiety and fear in a future pregnancy.